Torreblanca is Sevilla’s last neighbourhood. There, beside the highway, you can find the former Maravilla whorehouse, which has just closed for it to be turned into a refugee centre. It’s Christmas and, before the neighbours’ curious eyes, the newcomers to Spain are received by one of the Three Wise Men, to whom they may make a wish. Excited and fearing the unknown, the new guests will have to learn all about their new country and will be surprised by Spaniards just as much as Spaniards will be by them. 

Original title: Bienvenidos a España
English title: Welcome to Spain
Production Company: Making DOC
Written and Directed by: Juan Antonio Moreno Amador
Producers:  J. A. Moreno and Silvia Venegas
Director of Photography: Alberto González Casal
Edited by: Nacho Ruiz Capillas
Music: Jorge Magaz
Sound: Luis Cotallo, Mayte Cabrera and Gabriel Gutiérrez 

Sound:  5.1
Length: 92 minutes
Color: Color
Aspect Ratio: 2.35:1
Language: Spanish

Subtitles: Spanish and English
Country: Spain
Year: 2021
With the support of: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte – ICAA,  Junta de Extremadura. Diputacion de Badajoz, Diputacion de Caceres, Ayuntamiento de Talavera la Real and Canal Extremadura.

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Premiere in Spain on June 18, 2021. Screening in cinemas in 40 Spanish cities.


  • Candidate Goya Awards. Spanish Film Academy.
  • Candidate European Film Awards. European Film Academy.
  • Candidate Jose Maria Forque Awards. Spain.
  • Candidate Feroz Awards.
  • a los Premios Feroz. Association of Cinematographic Informants of Spain. Spain.
  • Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival. Canada.
  • BFI London Film Festival. UK.
  • DocsValència. Spain
  • Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival. Spain.
  • Semana de Cine Español. Hungary.
  • Festival de Cine Inclusivo de Vigo. Spain
  • Atlántida Film Festival. Spain.
  • Festival Periferias. Spain.
  • Festival Internacional de Cine de Navarra. Spain.
  • Festival Internacional de Teatro Clásico de Mérida. Spain.